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Copy Right, Industrial Property and Trade Secret are all Intellectual Property.

Works created by authors, such as music, literature and arts, as well as performance and film are protected by copy right laws.

In terms of software, i.e. all types of computer programable and executable processes, either their source codes or their process’s flow chart are protected objects of the software copy right. While, on the other hand, technical solutions implemented through software programming are also protectable by patenting, because patent right which belongs to the industrial property domain provides protection to all kinds of new and inventive technical solutions including the computer software related technical solutions.

Trademark which also belongs to the industrial property domain provides protection for brands of products and services. The protection of trademarks can be extended as long as they are used, unless the trademarks are not maintained any more because they have not been used for more than three years.

In China, industrial design, i.e. design patent of product is protectable with a term up to 15 years at most. To pursue a longer protection, a design also can be protected through the Hague system – the international design system.

Generally, intellectual property law services mainly include consultant of intellectual property right management and its strategic, filing and prosecution, and licensing, etc. The patent practice mainly includes various types of patent search, patentability analyses, patent filing, patent translation, re-examination, invalidation, and infringement analyses and litigations, etc. The trademark practice mainly includes new brand marketing strategy analyses and pre-filing research, registrability search, trademark filing, opposition, well-known trademark protection, administrative enforcement and infringement litigation, etc.

We mainly serve clients distributed along side Shanghai and the delta area of the Chang Jiang river, which are the most active and innovative industrial and commercial area along the east coast of China, based on where, we also provide our professional services to various clients coming to our cities for businesses and new businesses from all over the world. We offer dedicated services with justice price according to client’s real demands and requirements.

Our office management is well organized with a balance of secureness and transparency by emphasizing on timeliness and quality control through continuously simplifying procedures, reducing duplications, and therefore our working efficiency is increased to meet our trustworthy client's ever changing demands.